_____ _____ _ _ |_ _|___ ___ ___ _ _| __|___ ___|_|___| |_ | | | -_| -_| | | |__ | _| _| | . | _| |_| |___|___|_|_|_ |_____|___|_| |_| _|_| |___| |_|

#DEBUG Used to debug

This keyword is used to make debugging easier while testing parts of code
Everything after #DEBUG will not be parsed by TeenyScript and not included from other files
Func RegularAutoIt()




#Include TeenyScript includes

  • Both forward/ and backwardslashes\ are accepted, but later translated to backslashes \

  • Directory-popping \ and \\ works with the recursive include tags *.ts and **.ts

                        ; Include another .ts file
#include <file.ts>

; Regular .au3 files are just parsed as they are
#include <file.au3>

; Include a whole subdirectory
#include <directory\*.ts>

; Include a whole subdirectory recursively
#include <directory\**.ts>

; ~ Include from parent \ script directory

; Lets say you have the folder "c:\autoit\" that has this file structure:
;  \Main.ts.au3						c:\autoit\main.ts.au3
;  \sub\Somethingelse.ts.au3			c:\autoit\sub\somethingelse.ts.au3
;  \sub\Deeper\Somethingelse.ts.au3	c:\autoit\sub\Deeper\somethingelse.ts.au3

; Make belive \Main.ts.au3 looks like this:
#include <sub\Somethingelse.ts.au3>

; And \sub\Somethingelse.ts.au3 looks like this:
#include <\sub\deeper\Somethingelse.ts>

; When you start Main.ts.au3, TS will include "c:\autoit\sub\somethingelse.ts.au3" first, then from that file, TS will include "c:\autoit\sub\Deeper\somethingelse.ts.au3"


@Extends Extends another class

May not be nested
                        ; An extension acts almost like a class, but it will never return the class object (And no parameters may be passed either)

$myExtension = Func(Extension)

	@Public $public_method = Func()
		; Prompt something
		MsgBox(0,0, $this.name)


$MyClass = Func(Class)
	@Public $this.name = "TarreTarreTarre"
	; Inherit everything from the extension
	@Extends $myExtension


$Main = Func()
	Local $Example = $MyClass()

	; Call some method from the class Object



@MethodName Retrives the Methods name

Syntax @MethodName
Return (Success) The name of the method as a STRING (Without namespaces)
Return (Failure) Unkown macro au3 error
This macro only works within .ts files
                        $Example_one = Func()

	MsgBox(0, "", "The name of this method is: " & @MethodName)



@MethodParams Retrives the parameters

Syntax @MethodParams
Return (Success) The method parameters as a STRING (Without namespaces)
Return (Failure) Unkown macro au3 error
This macro only works within .ts files
                        $Example_one = Func($name, $lastname = "doe")

	MsgBox(0, "", "The params of this method is: " & @MethodParams)



@Namespace (Get) Retrive the current Namespace

Syntax @Namespace
Return (Success) The actual name of the given namespace with forward slashes
Return (Failure) Empty string
                        @Namespace Mynamespace

$MyFunc = Func()
	MsgBox(0,0, "We are in the namespace: " & @Namespace)

$Main = Func()




@Namespace (Set) Assign a file with a namespace

                        @Namespace Name/Space

$MyFunc = Func()

$Main = Func()

	; every global-scoped variable can only be accesed through the namespace of the current file

	; This will throw an error (Try and uncomment the code below)



@Public, @Private, @Readonly Access scope

  • Methods can only use @Private and @Public

  • Properties can use all three

                        $MyClass = Func(Class)
	; Can be accesed but not changed
	@Readonly $this.book = "This can only be read"
	; Can be accesed and changed anywhere
	@Public $this.age = 27
	; Can be accesed and changed within the class only
	@Private $this.name = "TarreTarreTarre"
	; This is a public method
	; Can be accesed anywhere
	$getName = Func()
		Return $this.name
	; This is also a public method
	; Can be accesed anywhere
	@Public $getBook = Func()
		Return $this.book
	; Private method
	; Can be accesed within the class only
	@Private $setName = Func($sName)

EndFunc(); instansiate the class upon creation

$Main = Func()
	; Acces the public variable (note, no method)
	MsgBox(0, "Example 1", "Access public property")
	ConsoleWrite("$this.age = " & $MyClass.age & @CRLF)
	; # # # # Readonly example
	; This will cause an COM error
	MsgBox(0, "Example 2", "Attempt to change Readonly property")
	$MyClass.book = "Chaning the book"

	;  # # # # # Private example
	; This will cause an "unkown name" COM error since the property is private
	MsgBox(0, "Example 3", "Access private method")
	ConsoleWrite("$MyClass.name = " & $MyClass.name & @CRLF)
	; This will display the value since we are getting the private property -
	; thru an public method
	MsgBox(0, "Example 4", "Access public method which contains private properties")
	ConsoleWrite("$MyClass.getName() = " & $MyClass.getName() & @CRLF)



@Use Namespace alias inside TS functions and methods

Syntax @Use x AS Y
Return (Success) Actual Variable-function
Return (Failure) Au3 Error "Unkown function ..."

  • Aliases may only be [a-z]+

  • @Use is unique for each super parent

                        @Namespace hello/this/namespace/is/long

$MyClass = Func(Class)
	$method = Func()
		MsgBox(0,0,"This is the namespace we are in at: "&@Namespace)


$Main = Func()
	;Assign our alias
	@Use hello/this/namespace/is/long AT short

	; Call the class with our alias
	; Call directly from global namespace



Closure Func ... (EndFunc) Autoit function Closures

Syntax Func() ..... (EndFunc)
Return (Success) A closure
Closures can be used everywhere.
                        ; Our helper method
$isCallable = Func($unk)
	Local $bIsCallable = False
	if FuncName($unk) Or IsFunc($unk) Then $bIsCallable = True

	; Now we call the callable function

	Return $bIsCallable

$Main = Func()

	; Regular function
	$function_a = Func()
		MsgBox(0, "", "hello from "&@MethodName)

	; Check to see if $function_a is a function
	If $isCallable($function_a) Then
		MsgBox(0, "", "$function_a is a Callable function")
		MsgBox(0, "", "$function_a is _NOT_ a Callable function")

	; Now we do the same with a closure
	If $isCallable(Func()
		;Some function we passing as a parameter
		MsgBox(0,0,"Hello from unkown name")
	(EndFunc)) Then

		MsgBox(0, "", "This is a Callable function")
		MsgBox(0, "", "This is _NOT_ a Callable function")



Func(Class) Create a Class

No protected methods exists in AutoitObject, so we cannot have that either..
                        #include <Array.au3>
$MyClass = Func(class)

	@Private $this.name = "TarreTarreTarre"

	;Public class
	$method_a = Func()
		MsgBox(0, "", "Hello!")

	;Private class (Can only be called within this class)
	@Private $method_b = Func($a,$b, $c)




; Retrive properties from the class

Local $UseClass = $MyClass()
; Display methods of this class
Local $aMethods = $UseClass.__Methods__

; Display properties of this class
Local $aProps = $UseClass.__Properties__

;Display the current namespace (if any)
MsgBox(0, "", $UseClass.__Namespace__)
; Display the actual name of the class
MsgBox(0, "", $UseClass.__cName__)


Func(Construct) Create a constructor for a TS class

  • Parameters (If any) will be inherited from the parent class, if parameters are declared an TS_Compose_methods error will occur

  • By default the Construct method always Returns $this but that can be overwritten by just adding a Return statement at the end of the function

  • The construct may only be assigned Publicly since it will be called outside the class

                        $MyClass = Func(Class, $a, $b)
	@Private $this.__a = Null
	@Private $this.__b = Null

	$MyConstructor = Func(Construct)
		$this.__a = $a
		$this.__b = $b
		ConsoleWrite(@MethodName & @CRLF)

	@Public $ShowData = Func()
		"__a: {$this.__a}."
		"__b: {$this.__b}."
		Return $this


$Main = Func()

	; Init class (will also run MyConstructor)
	Local $Example = $MyClass(25,30)

	; Will display:
	; __a: 25
	; __b: 30

	; Call the constructor by its method name (No need to init the class again)
	$Example.MyConstructor(55, 65)

	; Will display:
	; __a: 55
	; __b: 65



Func(Extension) Create a extension class for multiple usage (DRY)

                        ; An extension acts almost like a class, but it will never return the class object (And no parameters may be passed either)
$ParentClass = Func(Extension)
	@Private $this.secret_number = 1234567
	@Readonly $this.protected_name = "TarreTarreTarre"

	@Public $public_method = Func()
		MsgBox(0, "Hello", (<<<)
		"Called method: " & @MethodName
		"secret_number = {$this.secret_number}"


$MyClass = Func(Class)
	; Extend the Extension
	@Extends $ParentClass

	@Private $private_method = Func()
		ConsoleWrite("Im called private!" & @CRLF)


$Main = Func()
	Local $Example = $MyClass()

	; Call some method from the class Object



Heredoc (<<<) ... (>>>) Heredoc

                        $Main = Func()

	$MyVar = "My first var"
	$MySecondVar = "My Second Var"

	$MyText = (<<<)
	"First line"
	"Second line"
	"$MyVar = {$MyVar}"
	"$MySecondVar = " & $MySecondVar
	"@IpAdress1 = {@IPAddress1}"
	"@Computername = " & @ComputerName

	; Display mytext
	MsgBox(0, "Example 1", $MyText)

	; You can also pass Heredocs as parameters to functions
	MsgBox(0, "Example 2", (<<<)
	"My messagebox"



Lists { } Lists

When using $list{$Key} TS will parse it as Execute("$list." & $key) but if you are using $list{"key"} TS will parse it as $list.key

  • List keys may only contain a-z, 0-9 and _

  • List keys cannot contain dots/periods.

                        ;Basic List usage
$Example_A = Func()

	;Create MyList with 1 key and value
	Local $myList = {
		'Name': 'Tarre'

	;Append more data \ Change previous data on $MyList
	$myList{'Age'} = 25

	;Create MySecondList with 2 keys and values
	Local $MySecondList = {
		"Name" => "John",
		"Age" => "00"
	;Use a variable instead of raw text
	Local $KeyName = "Age"
	Local $KeyVal = 1337
	$MySecondList{$KeyName} = $KeyVal

	; Yes, you can do this also
	Local $oList = {'myList': $myList, 'mySecondList' => $MySecondList}

	;Return both our objects
	Return $oList

EndFunc();call the function on the variable

; Loop through list and print their values
$Example_B = Func()
	Local $MyList = {'A': 'Hello FROM A', 'B': 'Hello FROM B', 'C': 'Hello FROM C'}; Create a empty list
	Local $aNames = ['A', 'B', 'C']

	For $i = 0 To UBound($aNames) -1



MsgBox(0,"Example A 1", $Example_A.myList.Name)
MsgBox(0,"Example A 2", $Example_A.myList.Age)

MsgBox(0,"Example A 3", $Example_A.mySecondList.Name)
MsgBox(0,"Example A 4", $Example_A.mySecondList.Age)

$Example_B(); Execute examble B


_TS_ErrorNotify Com error settings for your script

Syntax _TS_ErrorNotify($c)
Return (Success) Last option used
Return (Failure) -
The avilable constants are:

Default option for non-compiled scripts is $_TS_CONSOLE and for compiled (exe) scripts is $_TS_MSGBOX
                        ; Ignore all com errors
$_TS_ErrorNotify = _TS_ErrorNotify($_TS_IGNORE) 
Local $NotAcomObject = null
$NotAcomObject.test = 25
if @error then MsgBox(0, "Triggered", "Com error!!!")

; // Restore error reporting